Integrate a Wallet

5-Minute Tutorial: Integrating WalletConnect into Your Front-End Application

Integrating WalletConnect into your front-end application allows users to connect their cryptocurrency wallets seamlessly. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to integrate WalletConnect using React.

🏝️ View the demo results:

The frontend should allow users to connect their wallect and check address.


We have created a front-end template that you can clone from a GitHub repository. By modifying a few configurations and running the project, you will be able to see the final result.


Before you start, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js and Yarn installed
  • Basic knowledge of React
  • A React application set up (You can use Create React App for a quick start)
  • A GitHub account to clone the repository

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the template repository to your local machine.

git clone -b wallet-integration https://github.com/Flamma-Labs/web3-frontend-expmale.git

Step 2: Install Dependencies

You can use either yarn or npm to install the required dependencies.

Using yarn:


Using npm:

npm i


Step 3: Obtain WalletConnect Project ID

  1. Visit WalletConnect Cloud (opens in a new tab).
  2. Create a new project to get your Project ID.


Step 4: Modify Configuration

Once you have the Project ID, update the .env.development file with the following:

In the .env.development file, replace "Your project id." with your actual project ID:

VITE_APP_PROJECT_ID = "Your project id."


Step 5: Run the Project

Start the development server with Yarn or npm to see the final result.

yarn dev


npm i run dev

View Your Final Result

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 (opens in a new tab) to see the application in action. You should be able to connect your wallet using WalletConnect or MetaMask and interact with the application as intended.


By following these steps, you will have a working front-end application integrated with WalletConnect and other necessary components.