Flamma Network


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The Flamma Network is a blockchain for the people, with no involvement from VCs, capital firms, or whales. It operates in a fully transparent manner, rewarding FLA tokens to participants, builders, governors, and maintainers. The network is managed and operated using a DAO model, ensuring that sovereignty is returned to the users.


Flamma is a sequence-based blockchain designed for large-scale commercial applications. It features a high-performance network suitable for various use cases, including finance, payments, and gaming. The Flamma Network is open, interoperable, and decentralized, allowing anyone to quickly build super applications on its platform.

Get Started - Launch a Solidity Dapp on Flamma

Get $FLA Test Funds (opens in a new tab)Get test tokens to use on the Flamma network for development and testing purposes.
Deploy with Remix IDEUtilize the Remix Integrated Development Environment to write, compile, and deploy smart contracts effortlessly.
Create an ERC-20 Token (🛩️No Code)How to implement a no-code deployment of an ERC20 token using Remix and OpenZeppelin.
Deploying an ERC-721 NFT Collection (🛩️No Code)Guide to Deploying an ERC-721 NFT Collection Named "SunFlower" with Remix and OpenZeppelin, and Storing Metadata with Pinata.cloud.
Deploying an ERC-1155 NFT Collection (🛩️No Code)Guide to Deploying an ERC-1155 NFT Collection Named "Icecream" with Remix and OpenZeppelin, and Storing Metadata with Pinata.cloud.
Verify ERC-20 Smart ContractHow to verify the "LaughCoin" ERC-20 Smart Contract on flascan.
Verify ERC-721 Smart ContractHow to verify the "SunFlower" NFT Smart Contract on flascan.
Verify ERC-1155 Smart ContractHow to verify the "Icecream" NFT Smart Contract on flascan.
Integrate a Wallet in Your Front-End ApplicationHow to use a template to set up a front-end application to integrate WalletConnect using React in 5 minutes.
ERC20 Token Claim Front-End TemplateHow to use a template to set up a front-end application to mint ERC20 tokens using React and WalletConnect in 10 minutes.

Development Tools and EVM Compatibility

The Flamma Network fully supports all standard Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) development tools, making it easy for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (DApps) on the network. This compatibility ensures that developers can leverage their existing knowledge and tools from the Ethereum ecosystem when working with Flamma.

Chain Optimizations

The Flamma Network introduces several key optimizations to enhance performance and interoperability:

  1. Consensus Mechanism: Flamma uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, enhanced with Efficient Proof-of-Stake (EPoS) for rapid node synchronization and handshake.

  2. Parallel Processing: Implemented via Parallel Communication and Adaptive Messaging (PCAM), enabling concurrent transaction processing for improved scalability.

  3. FlaDB: A decentralized database optimized for fast and reliable data storage and retrieval within the network.

  4. EVM Interoperability: Full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for seamless integration with Ethereum-based applications and smart contracts.

  5. Modular Architecture: Allows easy upgrades and integration of new features without disrupting existing operations.

  6. Enhanced Security Protocols: Flamma employs an advanced security framework that combines multi-signature authentication, zero-knowledge proofs, and end-to-end encryption to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of transactions. This protocol also includes automated threat detection and response mechanisms to mitigate potential security risks in real-time.

  7. Gas Fee Optimization: During transactions, a portion of the gas fee is burned while the remainder is redistributed as rewards to users. This mechanism supports the consensus process and enhances the economic model of gas fees.