
Flamma Mainnet

Flamma Mainnet is the primary network where the Flamma blockchain operates in a live, production environment. Unlike testnets, which are used for development and testing purposes, the mainnet is where real transactions occur, and real assets are transferred.

  1. Production Environment

    • Flamma Mainnet is the live, operational network where real transactions and smart contracts are executed. It is the final stage where all functionalities of the Flamma blockchain are fully operational.
  2. EVM and Solidity

    • Flamma supports the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), enabling compatibility with existing Ethereum-based applications.

    • Developers can write smart contracts in Solidity, the most widely-used programming language for Ethereum smart contracts, ensuring easy migration and integration of decentralized applications.

  3. Decentralized Applications (DApps)

    • Developers deploy and run their decentralized applications on the Flamma Mainnet, ensuring they are accessible to users in a production environment.
  4. Economic Activity

    • Real economic activity takes place on the Flamma Mainnet. This includes transactions involving the native cryptocurrency, transfers of digital assets, and execution of smart contracts.
  5. Security

    • The mainnet prioritizes security, utilizing robust consensus mechanisms to protect the network from attacks and ensure the integrity of transactions.
  6. Flamma Consensus

    • Flamma Mainnet uses Proof of Stake (PoS) as its consensus mechanism. This means validators are chosen to create new blocks and confirm transactions based on the number of tokens they hold and are willing to "stake" as collateral.

    • Additionally, it implements Efficient Proof of Stake (EPoS) for rapid handshake logic, which enhances node communication efficiency.

  7. Interoperability

    • Flamma Mainnet is designed to be interoperable with other blockchains, allowing for seamless cross-chain transactions and interactions.
  8. High Performance

    • The network is optimized for high performance, capable of handling a large number of transactions per second to support various use cases, including finance, payments, and gaming.
  9. Developer and User Ecosystem

    • It provides a rich ecosystem for developers to build and deploy applications, and for users to interact with these applications securely and efficiently.

Key Features

  • Real Transactions: All transactions on the Flamma Mainnet involve actual tokens and assets, making it critical for real-world use cases.

  • Smart Contract Execution: Smart contracts deployed on the mainnet operate in a live environment, facilitating various automated processes and decentralized applications.

  • FLA Token Transfers: The transfer of Flamma’s native tokens and other digital assets occurs on the mainnet, reflecting actual economic value.

  • Validator Participation: Validators on the mainnet are incentivized to secure the network through staking, earning rewards for their participation and honest behavior.

Flamma Mainnet is the core network where the full capabilities of the Flamma blockchain are realized. It is where real transactions take place, smart contracts are executed, and economic activities are conducted securely. By using PoS and EPoS, Flamma ensures efficient and secure network operations, providing a reliable platform for developers and users.