
Grant Guidelines

Flamma Grant Proposal Guidelines

The Flamma Network Grant Program is designed to support innovative projects that enhance the ecosystem, drive adoption, and foster the development of decentralized applications (DApps) on the Flamma Network. This document outlines the official rules and guidelines for submitting a grant proposal.

1. Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a grant, proposals must meet the following criteria:

  • Project Relevance: The project must align with the goals of the Flamma Network, focusing on areas such as DeFi, NFT, infrastructure, tools, and community growth.

  • Innovation: The proposal should demonstrate a unique or significantly improved approach to solving problems within the blockchain ecosystem.

  • Feasibility: The project must be feasible with a clear, achievable roadmap and milestones.

  • Team Capability: The team must have the necessary skills and experience to successfully execute the project.

2. Proposal Submission

Proposals should be submitted through the official Flamma Network Grant Program portal. The submission must include:

  • Title: A concise title for the project.

  • Abstract: A brief summary of the project, including its goals and significance.

  • Detailed Description: A comprehensive description of the project, covering the following:

    • Problem Statement: Clearly define the problem the project aims to solve.

    • Solution: Explain how the project addresses the problem, including any innovative approaches or technologies used.

    • Project Plan: Outline the project's roadmap, including key milestones and deliverables.

    • Technical Details: Provide technical specifications and architecture of the proposed solution.

    • Budget: A detailed budget breakdown, including how the grant funds will be utilized.

    • Timeline: An estimated timeline for the project's completion.

    • Team Information: Information about the team members, including their roles and relevant experience.

3. Review Process

The review process involves the following steps:

  • Initial Screening: Proposals are initially screened for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete or ineligible proposals will be rejected.

  • DevOPS Review: Proposals that pass the initial screening are reviewed by the DevOPS.

  • Public Voting: Proposals that meet the criteria will be published on the Flamma website. A voting window will open, allowing the community to vote on the proposals.

4. Grant Award

Successful proposals will receive a grant award, subject to the following conditions:

  • Funding Currency:

    • Infrastructure Projects: May receive a portion of the grant funds in USD to cover specific expenses.
    • All Projects: Grant funds will be awarded in FLA tokens, which will be distributed through a Token Generation Event (TGE), locked for at least 1 to 3 years after the mainnet launch, and then linearly unlocked over a period of 24 months. During the locked period, any rewards generated from staking the tokens will be available for circulation.
    • Milestone-Based Funding: Grant funds are disbursed in stages, based on the achievement of predefined milestones. Each milestone must be clearly documented and approved before the next disbursement.
    • Reporting Requirements: Grant recipients are required to provide regular progress reports, including detailed updates on milestones, challenges, and financial expenditures.
    • Compliance: Recipients must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the terms and conditions of the grant agreement.

5. Post-Award Requirements

After receiving the grant, recipients must:

  • Maintain Communication: Stay in regular contact with the Flamma Network Grant Program team, providing updates and addressing any questions or concerns.

  • Deliverables: Ensure that all deliverables are met according to the agreed-upon timeline and specifications.

  • Transparency: Maintain transparency regarding the use of grant funds and project progress.

6. Intellectual Property

Any intellectual property developed as part of the grant-funded project remains the property of the project team. However, recipients are encouraged to open-source their projects to benefit the broader Flamma Network community.

7. Termination

The Flamma Network reserves the right to terminate the grant agreement if:

  • Non-Compliance: The recipient fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement.
  • Lack of Progress: The project fails to make satisfactory progress towards its milestones.
  • Misuse of Funds: Grant funds are used for purposes other than those outlined in the proposal.

The Flamma Grant Program is committed to supporting innovative projects that enhance the Flamma Network ecosystem. By following these guidelines, applicants can ensure their proposals are complete, well-structured, and have the best chance of being awarded a grant. We look forward to reviewing your proposals and supporting your contributions to the Flamma Network.

Key Rules

  1. Trust and Incentives:

Flamma Network aims to build trust while incentivizing grant projects. The program includes milestones and corresponding rewards to ensure project completion and quality.

  1. Milestone-Based Rewards:
  • Alpha Phase Completion:

    Projects that reach and complete the Alpha phase, including the Alpha launch, will receive 15% of their mainnet FLA reward.

  • Beta Phase and Official Launch:

    Upon completing the Beta phase and officially launching, projects will receive an additional 20% of their FLA reward.

  • Final Distribution:

    The remaining rewards will be distributed upon the successful mainnet launch, ensuring that all incentivized FLA tokens are allocated before the official mainnet launch.

  1. FLA Token Restrictions:

a) FLA tokens distributed as part of the grant program cannot be transferred or traded before FLA becomes fully operational and tradable. This ensures stability and integrity within the ecosystem.

b) Any violation of this rule will result in Flamma Network reclaiming all rewards from the project.

  1. Lock-Up

Projects are required to lock up their incentivized FLA tokens in smart contracts according to the grant terms. This measure guarantees compliance and showcases Flamma Network's commitment to transparency and accountability.

  1. Demonstrating Trust

Flamma Network emphasizes the importance of trust by disbursing FLA tokens in advance, demonstrating confidence in the project teams. This approach negates the need for intermediary tokens (e.g., mFLA) as a condition for future exchanges.

Additional Considerations

  1. Eligibility

Only projects that have undergone thorough review and approval by Flamma Network's governance and core development teams are eligible for the grant program.

  1. Compliance

All projects must adhere to the specific guidelines outlined in their grant agreements, including compliance with all smart contract lock-up requirements.

  1. Feedback and Reporting

Regular progress updates and reports are required to ensure transparency and allow for ongoing assessment of the project's development and adherence to the grant guidelines.

🚀 We extend our heartfelt thanks to all grant developers for their dedication and contributions to the Flamma ecosystem.